CSASC 2013
When |
Jun 09, 2013 12:00 AM
Jun 13, 2013 12:00 AM |
Where | Koper, Slovenia |
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Within the conference there will be plenary talks and minisymposia on special topics. Every participant can also give a contributed talk or present a poster.
PLENARY SPEAKERS (preliminary list):
- Primož Moravec (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- John Erik Fornaess (NTNU Trondheim, Norway)
- van Mizera (University of Alberta, Canada)
- Marc Noy (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Catalonia)
- Gerald Teschl (University of Vienna, Austria)
- Xavier Tolsa (Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona, Catalonia)
- Günter Rote (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
MINISYMPOSIA and their organizers (preliminary list):
- Diferential Geometry and Mathematical Physics (X. Gracia, O. Rossi)
- Graph Theory (M. Drmota, J. Kratochvil, B. Mohar, O. Serra)
- Combinatorics (I. Fischer, M. Konvalinka)
- Several Complex Variables (F. Forstnerič, M. Kolar, B. Lamel, J. Ortega-Cerda)
- Symmetries in Graphs, Maps and Other Discrete Structures (A. Malnič, N. Seifter)
- Algebra (W. Herfort, P. Moravec)
- Discrete and Computational Geometry (O. Aicholzer, P. Valtr, S. Cabello)
- EuroGIGA Session (O. Aichholzer, J. Kratochvil, T. Pisanski, G. Rote)
- Proving in Mathematics Education at University and at School (R. Hasek, Z. Magajna, W. Neuper, P. Pech, W. Windsteiger)
- General Session
- Poster Session
Venue: The event will take place at University of Primorska, Slovenia, Koper, Glagoljaška 8. Conference fee:
- Early Rate (paid before 1st April, 2013): 100 EUR
- Late Rate: 150 EUR
- Students: early rate 50 EUR, late rate 100 EUR
Important dates:
- 1st April, 2013, deadline for early registration
- 1st May, 2013, deadline for late registration and abstract submission (via registration system)
- 9th - 13th June, 2013, conference in Koper
Scientific committee: J. Kratochvil, B. Maslowski (Czech Republic), R. Nedela, K. Mikula (Slovak Republic), M. Drmota, B. Lamel (Austria), O. Serra, J. Ortega (Catalonia), T. Pisanski, J. Prezelj (Slovenia) Organizing committee: K. Kutnar, A. Orbanid, T. Pisanski, J. Prezelj Organized by:
- DMFA - Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia
- IMFM – Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Slovenia
- UL FMF – Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- EMS - European Mathematical Society
- UP FAMNIT - University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
- UP IAM - University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute
In collaboration with the Austrian, Catalan, Czech, and Slovak Mathematical Societies.
- European Science Foundation - EUROCORES/EuroGIGA programme, project GReGAS - Graphs in Geometry and Algorithms, Geometric representations and symmetries of graphs, maps and other discrete structures and applications in science